JOBMASTER Workshops are now Internationally Accredited by CPD
What is CPD?
Continuing professional development (CPD) is the intentional maintenance and development of the knowledge and skills needed to perform in a professional context. This could mean honing current skills, it could mean developing them to a new level, or it could mean learning new ones that will allow an employee’s job role to expand or prepare them for potential promotion.
What are the benefits of CPD?
For employees, CPD helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change.
For employers, the primary benefit of CPD is ensuring that standards across the company are high and consistent. CPD also promotes greater work engagement from the workforce and general commitment to job roles. Having a number of employees undertake CPD, whether concurrently or over a period of time, allows for the sharing of best practice and support. CPD also contributes to maximising staff potential, improves staff moral and provides a useful benchmark for annual appraisals.
Learn more about CPD here: https://www.cpdstandards.com/
What is Riverwaves?
In a world that is constantly changing, having a motivated, focused and high performing workforce is key to your business success.
It’s the catalyst to realising your business potential.
Much of the challenge lies in establishing and embedding a clear link between individual and organisational performance. This will ensure that your people and your business performance are driving towards the same objective.
This is where we can help.
We are specialists in developing high performing teams; by developing competency models within organisations. Working seamlessly with your HR teams, we tailor our Riverwaves Competency Model to help you select, retain and develop a more engaged and sustainable workforce, one that strives towards your common goals.
Know more about Riverwaves here: http://riverwaves.co.uk/
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and more upcoming in 2017